Integrated Yoga Offerings

Himalayan Meditation Initiation

Meditation is the key to unlocking your full potential. Reduce stress, sleep better, increase energy, vanquish anxiety – and that’s just the beginning!

Make the best investment of your life by committing to a consistent meditation practice.

  • Get better at life as you step into the kindest, most present version of yourself – that self with boundless gifts to offer the world.

    Ditch the on-again-off-again relationship with your meditation apps, and develop the skill of a lifetime through this three-day meditation initiation with Meghan. Learn an ancient and effective practice that you can do anytime, anywhere – for the rest of your life.

    This three-part private initiation can be done virtually (3x 60 minute sessions) and includes comprehensive information on meditation, a manual, initiation to the technique and receiving a personal mantra.

  • Three-part initiation, Himalayan Meditation manual and personal bija mantra.


    *Small groups saves $20 per person

    **Bundle with a Jyotish reading and save $167

Holistic Yoga Privates

Yoga is not just about getting a fit body; rather, it’s an intentional practice that allows us to go beyond the body and access a richer experience of life.

  • Our bodies house a collection of our experiences: every joy, every sorrow, every meal, every moment of rest, every sickness, every success and every mistake.

    We carry all these stories on a cellular level, so deep that they often are unknown to even ourselves. Through an integrated yoga practice, we can begin to acknowledge our embedded behaviors.

    To live a fulfilling life, it is imperative to invite all life experiences into our yoga practice. This is the essence of a holistic yoga journey.

    Together, we will work through accumulated stress, deep emotions, and body-mind limitations with transformative breathwork, accessible meditation techniques, inspirational wisdom, mantras to rewire neural pathways, kriyas to swiftly anchor you in the present, and intelligent asanas to heal your body.

  • All practices are customized to your individual needs.

    Example structure of what to expect during a private:

    · 5-10 minutes intake + grounding

    · 20 minutes of movement

    · 20 minutes of kriya

    · 20 minutes of meditation

    · 5-10 minutes to review + share

  • Single 75-Minute Session


    5 Weeks of 1:1 Classes

    $522 (*save $33)

    10 Weeks of 1:1 Classes

    $1008 (*save $102)

Immersive Experience

Renewal, balance and wholeness of body, mind and spirit takes consistency and time. When you go deep into an experience through a workshop or series, a training or retreat, you awaken to a greater clarity within.

  • Immersions are the gateway to deeper understanding and solidify your regular practice. While the analog world pauses during the pandemic, virtual immersions are still boundless.

    Is there anything you’re looking to gain greater understanding of? Reach out + let me know so we can make it a reality!

Corporate Cultivation

Stress keeps you in survival mode, which keeps you focused on yourself. Meditation helps you get out of that primal “fight or flight” mode, so you can give more generously and access creative ideas, even in high-stress scenarios.

  • In order to lift ourselves out of a perpetual state of fight or flight, we need to take daily action to combat the years of accumulated stress in our bio-cellular memory.

    Introducing meditation in the workplace not only boosts the health and immunity of employees (leading to fewer sick days and reduced absenteeism), it cultivates extraordinary performance, encourages openness and kindness, as well as boosts curiosity.

    Many corporations are now witnessing first-hand how beneficial meditation is to the company’s bottom line. Instead of reading about it, feel it for yourself!

Your guide on your journey towards health & healing


Love Notes