Book a Vedic Astrology Reading
Upon booking yourself into the calendar, you will need to provide your birth date, time and place. You can also include any guiding questions (ie: career, relationships, family, spirituality) you’d like to explore together.
Meghan will be in touch within 48 business hours to confirm your chart analysis.
What can I expect from a Vedic Astrology reading?
During a Jyotish reading, you can expect to see and better understand yourself, to gain knowledge and insight about your life, to grasp your true nature.
We will review how to best utilize this time of your life. Similarly, we can better understand past events of your life due to the flow of time.
We also review immediate, future understanding of coming transits, months and year ahead.
What are Jyotish Upayas (or remedies)?
Upaya, often referred to as remedy or remedies, are fundamental in the practice of Jyotish. They serve to correct the energy or energies in a chart.
These include: understanding and jnana (wisdom), gemstones, lifestyle or behavioral modifications; techniques like sadhana, including meditation, kriya, rituals, & mantra. We identify specific areas of focus for the current time or in preparation for transitions.
Can I ask specific questions during a Vedic astrology reading?
Yes! Questions are encouraged ahead of time. Your questions to help you arrive to greater clarity in your life.
As curiosity arrives during the reading we can dive into deeper understanding.
Pricing Options
Chart Reading & Upayas
Chart reading & upayas: $250
Inclusive of prepared chart analysis, a 90-minute session, recordings and remedial practices specific to your chart, current transits and present consciousness state.
Chart Reading, Upayas & Personal Kriya
Chart reading, upayas & personal kriya or meditation follow up: $270
($91 savings)
Inclusive of prepared chart analysis, a 90-minute session, recordings and remedial practices specific to your chart, current transits and present consciousness state.
Additional follow up session for a personal kriya or meditation practice included.
Chart Reading, Upayas + Meditation Initiation or Sri Yantra Initiation
Chart reading, upayas + meditation initiation: $333
($167 savings)
Inclusive of prepared chart analysis, a 90-minute session, recordings and remedial practices specific to your chart, current transits and present consciousness state.
Follow up hour-long, six-part meditation initiation session, including personal guru mantra. *Highly recommended for anyone without consistent meditation practice.
Chart Reading & 3 Months of On Demand Access
Chart reading + 3 months of on-demand membership ($60/mo following): $290
($240 savings)
Inclusive of prepared chart analysis, a 90-minute session, recordings and remedial practices specific to your chart, current transits and present consciousness state.
Browse on-demand classes here. Excellent for integrating the reading’s wisdom.